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Dental Crowns: Types, Procedure & Care

Dental Crowns: Types, Procedure & Care

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment: Procedures & Types

Dental crowns are protective coverings that are placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its shape, strength, and appearance. They are commonly used when a tooth is extensively decayed, cracked, weakened, or discolored. Dental crowns can be made from various materials, and the procedure involves several steps. Here’s a comprehensive overview of dental crowns, including types, procedure, and care:

Types of Dental Crowns:

Metal Crowns: These crowns are usually made from alloys containing metals like gold, platinum, or base metals. They are highly durable and less prone to wear and tear. However, they are more noticeable due to their metallic color.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: These crowns have a metal base for strength and a layer of tooth-colored porcelain on top for aesthetics. They offer a good balance between durability and natural appearance.

All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns: These crowns provide the most natural appearance, as they closely mimic the color and translucency of natural teeth. They are a popular choice for front teeth and individuals concerned about aesthetics

Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia is a strong and biocompatible material that can be used for both front and back teeth. These crowns offer excellent durability and aesthetics.

E-Max Crowns: These are a type of all-ceramic crown made from a single block of lithium disilicate ceramic. They are known for their high strength, durability, and pleasing aesthetics.

Resin Crowns: These crowns are made from dental resin and are usually used as temporary crowns while waiting for a permanent crown to be fabricated.

Dental Crown Procedure:

The procedure for getting a dental crown typically involves the following steps:

Dental Examination: The dentist examines the tooth to determine if a crown is necessary. X-rays may be taken to assess the extent of damage.

Tooth Preparation: The tooth is shaped to create space for the crown. This involves removing a portion of the tooth’s outer layer. If the tooth is severely damaged, it might need to be built up with filling material.

Impression: An impression of the prepared tooth and surrounding teeth is taken. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory to create the custom crown.

Temporary Crown: While waiting for the permanent crown to be made, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth.

Crown Placement: Once the permanent crown is ready, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is checked for fit, color, and alignment. If everything is satisfactory, the crown is cemented in place.

Final Adjustments: The dentist might make minor adjustments to ensure proper bite and comfort.

Caring for Dental Crowns:

Proper care is essential to ensure the longevity of your dental crown:

Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene. Crowns are not susceptible to decay, but the underlying tooth and gums still need protection.

Avoid Hard Foods: Be cautious with very hard or sticky foods that could potentially damage the crown.

Regular Dental Visits: Continue to visit your dentist in Jaipur for regular check-ups and cleanings. They can monitor the health of the crowned tooth and the surrounding gums.

Night Guards: If you grind your teeth at night, consider using a night guard to prevent excessive pressure on the crown.

Avoid Bad Habits: Refrain from using your teeth as tools to open packages or bottles, as this could damage the crown.

Tobacco and Staining Substances: Minimize or avoid tobacco and substances that can stain teeth, as they can also affect the color of the crown.

The lifespan of a dental crown depends on the type of crown, the material used, your oral hygiene practices, and other factors. With proper care, dental crowns can last many years, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. It’s essential to consult your dentist in Jaipur for personalized guidance on crown care and maintenance.

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