Face Kraft Clinic

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Dental Care For Kids

Dental Care For Kids

Are baby/milk teeth important? :

Baby teeth have important functions to perform like speech, food chewing and aesthetics. However, the most important function which the milk teeth perform is that of maintenance of space for the permanent teeth which are developing beneath them.

Why do we need to get the cavities in milk teeth treated? They will anyway fall in some time.

According to various dental research,  children who develop cavities in their baby teeth are more likely to develop cavities as an adult, so be sure to get your child to a dentist for a checkup. Underneath your child’s baby teeth, the roots and position of the adult teeth are growing into place. If a milk tooth falls prematurely, before the eruption of its permanent tooth successor, it will lead to loss of space and alignment for the permanent tooth.

How do I prevent my child’s teeth from cavities?

Kids will eat candies and chocolates; however, it is the job of parents to maintain their child’s proper oral hygiene.  If your child is at high risk for cavities, it’s time to cut down on the starchy snacks, such as crackers and chips, and limit sugary beverages.

When should we visit a dentist for my child’s teeth?

A regular checkup every 6 months is advisable to diagnose and catch early cavities which can then be treated on time. FACE KRAFT one the best dental clinic in jaipur offers a one stop solution for patients who are looking for safe teeth procedure.

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